In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Thursday 21 January 2016

Summary Verses Pt.1

(114: 1-6.)-  An Nas or Mankind
Insidious Evil lies in wait
For man, and loves to whisper and withdraw,
Thus testing his will. But man can make
Allah his sure shield; for Allah doth care
For him and cherishes him: Allah is
The heavenly King who gives him laws:
And Allah is the Goal to which he will
Return and be judged. Let man but place
Himself in Allah's hands, and never can Evil
Touch him in his essential and inner life.

(113: 1-5.)-  Al Falaq or The Dawn

It is Allah Who brings forth light from darkness,
Life and activity from death, spiritual
Enlightenment from ignorance and superstition
Banish fear, and trust His Providence,
No danger, then from the outer world,
No secret plottings from perverted wills,
No disturbance of your happiness or good,
Can affect the fortress of your inmost soul.

(112: 1-4.)-  Al Ikhlas or The Purity (of Faith)

Keep Faith all pure and undefiled.
There is Allah, the One and Only;
Eternal, Free of all needs: on Whom
Depend, to Whom go back, all things;
He hath no son nor father nor partner.
There is no person like unto Him.

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Wednesday 20 January 2016

114- An-Nas

Chapter/Surah 114- An Nas or Mankind

1. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of Mankind,
2. The King (or Ruler) of Mankind,
3. The God (or Judge) of Mankind, -
4. From the mischief of the Whisperer (of Evil), who withdraws (after his whisper), -
5. Who whispers into the hearts of Mankind, -
6. Among Jinns and among Men.

This early Makkan Surah appeal us to trust Allah, rather than man, as our sure shield and protection. It warns us against the secret whispers of evil within our own hearts.

  • Verses 1, 2, 3 speak about the Divine Being / The Creator of Mankind / Allah 
  • Verses 4, 5 talks about the Devil / Satan [or who else whisper evil? ]
    Maybe- "evil ones among men and jinns"- (C.6 V.112) or "within our own self"?
  • Verse 6 proves that we are not alone here on Earth. There are creations/creatures among us, which some of us have limited or no knowledge of.
*So long as we put ourselves in Allah's protection, and trust in Allah, evil cannot really touch us in our essential and inner life.

Leave your comment below about your interpretation.